Repairs Refurbuishment Structural Audit
Maintenance Interior Decoration Interior Fit-Out Planning
Rehab And Development Projects Liasoning Plumbing  
Water management Industrial Projects Hotel and Service Apartment
Turn Key Projects Service    

As we have already stated plumbing is the mother of all the future damages. It covers the entire down take water pipe lines for domestic as well as flushing purpose. The proper design and laying of pipelines for down take as well as for terrace looping helps uniform and adequate distribution precious potable water to every point of discharge.

The drain pipe lines for W/c, bath, kitchen, nahani traps, wash basins, sinks, washing machine outlets, rain water drains from terrace and protruding balconies etc. are the areas of execution. The overhead and under ground water tanks may lead to problems in future. The peripheral drainage system is also point of trouble.

The durability of such precarious plumbing work depends upon the stringent quality control with use of appropriate materials at suitable places and the expert labour hired for execution.

We help our clients to arrive at the proper remedy and provide Consultancy or turn key project services as per requirement of the client as stated in ' Service' .